With a new season comes the task of update our wardrobes with new pieces to add the WOW factor to your wardrobe.  This week, Andi and the team from Casa Boheme share the tips on how one achieves their “personal style”.


But how do we do it?  

Tip one: Don’t overcrowd your wardrobe as this can actually make you feel like you have nothing to wear! This means that you should ruthlessly cull your wardrobe very season. Those pants you never wear, that top that drowns you out, the dress that was so on trend two years ago but now screams a fad buy and that cardigan that looks like you have slept in it for months – put them on eBay or gift them to a bestie. Give them to charity or put them in the bin. Do it!

Tip two:  Create space in your wardrobe for your new season capsule wardrobe. This is a seperate rack from everything else in your wardrobe that will be on high rotation this season. These are your staples. Your high rotation pieces should be the pieces from last season that you can re-use. And new pieces that are fresh, suit you and reflect your work and weekend style.

Tip three: Your weekday and weekend style should be as closely linked as possible so that you can buy and wear your pieces on high rotation. It’s a more cost-effective way to dress and also reflects your ‘personal style’ whatever the occasion. It’s also less confusing when you start the daily ritual of dressing because it’s already there, on that ‘high rotation’ rack.

Tip four: Identify the pieces you are willing to spend money on and those you are not. For most style influencers, they purchase one hand bag every few years, three pairs of new shoes every season, one jacket per season and a good pair of jeans and leather pants every second year. They don’t overcrowd their wardrobes with too many things – handbags, too many shoes and too many jackets, too many jeans. Instead preferring to buy less and wear them to death…then move on.

Tip five: Next, identify what you will spend less on but will update your capsule. Fresh basics, statement pieces and the trendy things each season. Make sure that these purchases tie in with your big purchases and sit nicely in your high rotation seasonal capsule rack.

Tip six: Understand the shapes and colours and the kinds of prints you are drawn to, wear most, and feel good in. Then stick to this palette when buying. This avoids buying “the wrong thing”. If you need help figuring this out, boutiques like ours can help you with this free of charge. It’s worth talking to us so you save money in the long run.

Casa Boheme’s founder and stylist Andi and Tara are available for personal styling sessions at no cost for you to feel good this winter.  Just give the team a call on 9810 3948 or email your Lifestyle Manager