Of the many things we do in our business, the one thing that we do particularly well is offer a platform that provides our clients the luxury of TIME to escape from the stress of day-to-day life to appreciate travel, culture and wellbeing. We introduce our clients to a world filled with irresistible things and to allow them to live their life in new ways.
With International travel opening, it has opened our eyes to new possibilities when it comes to planning family holidays, milestone celebrations or even attending international events. We have definitely seen a strong desire from our clients to start making plans to travel to revisit a destination they love or to finally tick off that destination they have longed to experience.
Our team have long been the go-to for our clients for advice on hotels, dining and experiences that we know will enrich their experience for a staycation, getaway, domestic or international travel.
Everyone in my team is curious of nature and so we feel incredibly fortunate that it’s our job to seek out what is new and interesting for home, for life, for travel and dining. On a daily basis we listen to the needs and desires of our clients to find them the very best in product and service solution.
The journey of our business really is the product of continually listening to our clients and reviewing each of our pillars to ensure we are always providing a level of service that is relevant to what we are hearing from our clients and the market.
Our EssentialX team have welcomed the many new project briefs from both our Life and Business clients as the desire to connect face-to-face has become top of agenda item. Over the last two years we have seen strength in connection through our Gift Concierge, but it is so warming to see the smiles on the faces of guests as they arrive to see much loved friends, family, colleagues and clients.
I can’t help but take a moment to be proud of the business we have built and are continuing to build for our Life Concierge, Founder Concierge, Business Concierge, Gift Concierge and releasing this week, our Team Concierge.
Since starting this business, our core value has always been to support our clients to help them to find balance and breathe. This month, with the launch of our Team Concierge we are excited to be working with our business partners to bring our Life Concierge services to their teams. We will partner to provide our concierge services as an extension of their business community and culture to take care of everything that happens outside of the workplace for their valued teams. To enable them to be fully present at work and to allow them to spend their down time doing what makes them happy.
If you would like to learn more about our Team Concierge and how we can ease the day-to-day pressure for your valued team, please email us at concierge@esconcierge.co